Additional Resources
Advocacy Tips for Helping Older Adults in the Community Retain MassHealth
This flyer explains programs where you may still be able to qualify for MassHealth Standard if you were denied because of your income and/or asset level.
Alternative Health Coverage Options for Seniors
This guide provides information about when MassHealth terminations may be invalid based on the timing alone and what advocates can do to help MassHealth members get reinstated.
Wrongful Terminations Guidance
Burial Accounts
This flyer explains how MassHealth applicants 65 or older can use a burial account to meet the asset test.
Blue envelope guide- before April 1, 2023
This guide walks through a MassHealth renewal form sent before April 1, 2023 with tips and extra information.
Resources from MassHealth
These dashboards provide data on the progress of MassHealth’s redetermination process.

Past Webinars

MassHealth 2023-2024 Member Eligibility Redetermination and Renewals Update - March 2023

Supporting Members Experiencing Homelessness with MassHealth Renewals: 3-27-23

Supporting Members with Disabilities with MassHealth Renewals: 3-27-23

Supporting MassHealth Kids and Families Renewals: 3-23-23